1Way Youth Entrepreneur Center creates a life-changing experience for minors that are at risk.

1Way Youth Entrepreneur Center aims to create a safe and inclusive space where youth can develop critical life skills such as financial literacy, leadership, and entrepreneurship. Through various programs and workshops, 1WYEC strives to empower youth to become future entrepreneurs and leaders in their communities. At the heart of our programs is a commitment to building strong relationships with children and their families. Our areas of impact are:

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Think it: 1WYEC understands the importance of encouraging our youth that there is always room to think bigger. We want them to push the limits and understand that nothing is impossible. It starts in your mind.

Believe it: Our youth needs the confidence to believe the impossible is possible. Without a reasonable confidence in your own powers, you cannot be successful. They must believe in their dreams regardless the opinion of their peers, family, or teachers.

Achieve It: We believe in providing our youth the essential tools to achieve the dreams. Once you think the impossible, develop the confidence to believe, it is time to put in the work to achieve the objectives and goals set.